Scientific papers


We have selected the most relevant scientific papers concerning photobiostimulation and our own technologies :  Young Again®  aesthetic applications for skin care Light Modulation®  including recent innovations mainly in aesthetic medical and dental fields.

We have divided them according to the type of light used either red or NIR infra red. 



Red light

High lights and low-intensity, biostimulation-Dr. p. Mezzana
Phototerapy led skin rejuvenation
Light emitting diodes. Biomedical application
LED therapy after ablative laser resurfacing
LED photomodulation afters gene expression profiles
Yuong project Again Dr. Roberto Cavagna
Combination light emitting diode phototerapy
A study to determine the efficacy of combination LED
Premature aging-Dr. l. Marini
A search result all Italian-dr. Paul Mezzana
Predominantly non-thermal facial skyn photo-rejuvenation
Face photo-rejuvenation AMWC Montecarlo
A controlled trial to determine the efficacy of treatment LED


INFRA Red light

Inflammatory cytokynes are suppressed by LED
Photodinamic inactivation of biofilms in vitro
Anti-infective teraphy of peri-implantitis
Photoactivated disinfection using light emitting diode
Controlling periodontal bone level with multiple irradiations LED
Irradiaton by light emitting diode lights
Antimicrobical effect of PDT
Effect of photoactivated disinfection with light emetting diode-
Modulation .... in human gingival fibroblast cells
Photodinamic therapy adjunctive to non surgical treatment
Photobiostimulation with infra red LED light-g. Mauro 2014
Infrared radiation affects the mithocondrial pathway
Efficacy and safety in patients with gengivits
Topical therapyTopical photodinamic therapy photodinamic
Treatment of chronic periodontitis
Near infra red LED theraphy transfacial-g. Mauro 2015


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