Oral Hygiene

Light Modulation® technology is the natural non-invasive medical approach for the advanced oral hygiene. With Light Modulation® technology the Dentist can at last offer a UNIQUE and MORE COMPLETE TREATMENT.
This is achieved by using the known healing properties of photobiostimulation with infrared light.
The great innovation is in the source of emission. It is made of high pressure Diode Micro Lasers able to emit infrared rays at a wavelength of 835 nm which has the advantage of acting in depth, allowing extra oral applications.
Light Modulation ® light has an excellent conduction through human tissue and the prolonged irradiation at the correct wavelength, determines its greater infiltration and effectiveness.
With Light Modulation ® the electrical potential is converted into electromagnetic energy emitted in the form of light photons.
Ligth Modulation ® does not carry enough energy to damage the tissue, but enough to stimulate a response. Its effect is photochemical not photothermal.
The emitted light is monochromatic (same frequency), coherent (able to maintain the same frequency for a long time) but unlike in a laser, light is not collimated.
Light Modulation® Medical technology is unique and Patented.